
Ordi Calder Bio

BIO Ord í Calder 38, was born in Nova Olímpia, Paraná, graduated in history and did postgraduate degrees in Graphic Design; he was a graphic design professional since 1999, when started working at his father's visual communication company. Ord í studied Guitar as a child, and later studied guitar and bass and played two band projects for 4 years between 1999-2004, when he lived in Cuiab á Mato Grosso where moved with his family in 1994. After purchasing his first Reflex camera in 2002, a Canon Av-1 50mm , Calder devoting himself to studies as a self-taught photographer in the UFMT library with photography books from decades ago. He has been loaned from a friend and did not return, handouts from a very useful decades ago professional photography course at the Instituto Universal Brasileiro. Shortly after acquired 07 Fotóptica Magazines from the 60s / 70s from a Sebo of a friend at the “block” where he studied History (UFMT). Today he acknowledges that was unconsciously in